
關於我們 / 背景與經歷


楊瑞珠 (Julia Yang), Ph.D.

中文小檔案 (Bio)

台南師專國小師資科美勞組、淡江大學英文系學士 、美國伊利諾州立大學諮商
北美阿德勒心理學會 Diplomate(代言人)、美國國家諮商師、美國整合營養健



Ph.D.- 1988 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Major: Counselor Education and Supervision
Minor: Computer Applications in Instructional Design

M.S. - 1985 Illinois State University, Normal, IL.

Major: School Counseling

B.A. - 1982 Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan

Major: English.
Minor: Chinese

Diploma- Taiwan Provincial Tainan Teachers College, Tainan, Taiwan
1976 Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Art Education

2014-present Professor, Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Retired from full time teaching in
February, 2019; presently teaching part time)

1999-2014 University Professor, Division of Psychology and Counseling,

Governors State University, University Park, IL

2008 (Spring) Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, National HsinChu

University of Education, HsinCHu, Taiwan

1994-1999 Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Guidance,

NKNU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

1993-1994 Associate Professor, Department of Counseling & Special Education,

California State University at Fresno (CSUF), Fresno, CA

1991-1993 Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Shippensburg

University, Shippensburg, PA

1991 (fall) Visiting Associate Professor, Elementary Education, National

Tainan Teachers College, Tainan, Taiwan

1988-1991 Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Shippensburg

University, Shippensburg, PA

1985-1987 Graduate Research Associate, Department of Educational Theory

and Practice, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

1984-1985 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Counselor Education,

Illinois State University, Normal, IL

1982-1983 Assistant Instructor, English Department, Tamkang University,

Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2016 Outstanding Alumni, Tainan University, Taiwan
2014 Diplomate, North American Society of Adlerian Psychology
2012- President, Illinois Counseling Association
2010 Wendell S. Dysinger Award for Outstanding Professional Counseling
Publication, Illinois Counseling Association
2008 Jean Baers Award, Illinois Career Development Association.
2007 Best Division Journal Award, American Counseling Association (large
2006 Outstanding School Counselor Educator of the Year, Illinois School
2006 Faculty Excellence Award, Governors State University, Illinois
2006 National Career Development Outstanding Division Award (Illinois Career
Development Association to which I was the President
2006 Presidential Recognition Award, National Career Development Association
2002 Faculty Excellence Award, GSU, Illinois
1998 Outstanding Scholar Award, National United Associations for Education,
1998 Distinguished Professor, NKNU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1996 Outstanding Counselor Educator, Ministry of Education, Taiwan


根據新近的基因表觀遺傳發現和神經科學研究指出大部分慢性疾病來自不良壓力反應,人們缺乏自我覺察及自我照顧知能,或著是經年累月地過著傷害自己身心健康的生活方式。研究也指出我們的身心系統有其自然療癒智慧和能力。維也納個體心理學 創立者,阿德勒一向享有「西方的孔子」和「自助心理學之父」的美名。阿德勒及其追隨者以身心不可分割的整體觀指出我們的自我觀、人我觀和生命觀和我們的人際關係及社會互動息息相關,也決定性地影響了我們的症狀的產生以及自我療癒的效能。然而當今一般醫療系統著重提供「疾病管理或預防,較少有機會和時間為在社區裡看到為追求健康者提供個別化和有系統化的諮詢服務。最好的做法是在讓醫師協助診斷排除器官病變,若有需要須先進行疾病管理,再探討了解自己身心不適症狀的源頭和追求整體健康生活的改善。
「我們的」勇氣生活工場聚合一群跨領域但有共識的專業助人工作者,相信人有自我療癒和自我照護的權利及義務, 希望能提供一個交流平台,在參與者主動選擇的前提之下以現場或視訊方式舉辦公益講堂、主題式小團體課程、經驗是讀書會或個別諮詢。整體目標在於以有科學依據之整合身心健康資訊提高自我覺察之敏感度,探索及建立生活優勢與資源 ,並結合醫療、社區及教育支持系統,催化我們面對及克服挑戰、體驗能催化自我療癒的生活經驗和選擇、及追求人我和諧與改變的勇氣。

